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29 Incredibly Fun Virtual Family Feud Games & Questions For Online Fun In 2024

By February 8, 2024 November 22nd, 2024

Family Feud is a fun game where players try to answer according to what they believe are the most popular survey answers.

Most games require competitiveness, cunning, and a fair bit of pop culture understanding; however, virtual family feud forces players to think about what others might be thinking.

Virtual Family Feud

Whether your game night is at home or with your coworkers, or you’re simply bored with board games, Family Feud is a great way to get your loved ones or team members thinking empathetically.

“The first question ever asked on Family Feud was, ‘Name a famous George.’ The most popular response was George Washington.” — Southern Living

“The first question ever asked on Family Feud was, ‘Name a famous George.’ The most popular response was George Washington.” Share on X

Online happy hour, team building events, virtual work retreats, or even the holidays at a distance with your family can be infused with the joyful competition of Virtual Family Feud. To help you liven up game night in 2024, we’ve compiled a list of the most fun and wacky virtual family feud games to play. 

Start reading to kick off your virtual Family Feud in style!

How To Play Family Feud On Zoom

  • Step 1: Set up a Zoom account and determine a host
  • Step 2: Pick out the questions
  • Step 3: Start the Zoom Family Feud after you’ve divided into teams (minimum of 3 players per team)
  • Step 4: Share the whiteboard or scorekeeping device with the teams so everyone can keep track of the score in real time
  • Step 5: Open the Mac/PC clock application (set a timer for 20 seconds as the time limit)
  • Step 6: Start the game!

Pro-tip: If you are the host, use the side view to watch the video feed of all contestants while writing on the whiteboard at the same time.


Virtual Family Feud Games To Play Online

1. Coworker Feud

“All is fair in love and Family Feud”  

Coworker Feud

Coworkers spend so much time around each other that they are often likened to being a work family. That’s why Coworker Family Feud is the perfect game to liven up your virtual workplace! A fun and engaging host splits teams up in advance so contestants can focus on their answers instead of extraneous details.

What makes this a great Family Feud game to play on Zoom: Coworker Feud is ideal for team building events and even as an icebreaker for virtual retreats.

For more information: Check out Coworker Feud to liven up the workplace!


2. Virtual Friendly Feud Social

A high-energy, engaging, and super-social Family Feud game for teams!”

Offered by the team building experts at Outback Team Building, Virtual-friendly Feud Social is a thrilling game where you and your colleagues will break out into teams and compete with one another by answering survey questions based on culture and human nature.

To bring in the element of sociability, each round of questions is followed by a guided social mixer where team members can participate in a group discussion and more deeply explore the survey questions from the previous round

What makes this a great Family Feud game to play on Zoom: It’s a great way to bring team members together in a light-hearted and fun way as they compete together to win challenges!

For more information: Start the feud now with Virtual-friendly Feud Social!


3. Family Feud Online

“Simple, easy, fun, and ready-made for work teams”  

Family Feud Online is an easy-to-setup virtual Family Feud game.

What makes this a great Family Feud game to play on Zoom: While the first two options on our list offer up more of a VIP experience, this online game is still convenient and simple to get started.

For more information: Let the feuding begin with Family Feud Online!


4. Family Feud (Work Edition)

“Survey says: you’ll have a blast”  

Virtual Coworker Feud

Need Family Feud specially designed for you and your coworkers to play? Family Feud (Work Edition) is an online Family Feud game set up through the virtual team-building platform Elevent.

What makes this a great Family Feud game to play: A charismatic host leads contestants through several rounds, including a lightning round. The main benefit of this online Family Feud game for work is that it ensures the activity is smoothly-run without glitches or added headaches.

For more information: Check out Family Feud (Work Edition)!

We played a round of Squad Squabble (Family Feud) with our friends at Design Pickle to show you how much fun this group game show can be… Still have no idea how 11 people said “Microwaving Fish” as an answer…


Family Feud Questions For Game Night

Family Feud questions for work are questions that are appropriate in a corporate context. These questions are HR-friendly, inclusive, and fun for all and can also be a great office party game.

If you get through this list and need more appropriate office game ideas, check out The Assist, a free 4x weekly email newsletter designed for HR & People Leaders.

1. Name famous rivalries between brands

📌 Coke vs Pepsi (38)

📌 McDonald’s vs Burger King (26)

📌 Microsoft vs Apple (23)

📌 Marvel vs DC (12)

  • Why this is a good family feud question for work: This business-centric question gets your team thinking about your own rivals.


2. Name things that people lie about on resumes

📌 Education (28)

📌 Job title (24)

📌 Length of time worked at a job (18)

📌 Skills / experience (15)

Why this is a good family feud question for work: Perhaps some will be able to relate, but everyone will get a kick out of this work-friendly Family Feud question.


3. Why might someone ride their bike to work?

📌 No car (46)

📌 Exercise (23)

📌 Save gas (20)

📌 Environment (7)

Why this is a good family feud question for work: For some, the answer might pop right into their head because of their morning commute!


4. Name qualities of a bad boss

📌 Micromanager (29)

📌 Incompetent (24)

📌 Angry (20)

📌 Irresponsible (14)

📌 Oblivious (13)

Why this is a good family feud question for work: Hopefully, this one doesn’t hit too close to home, but if managers are hearing it, it’s always a good reminder of how not to be.


5. What holiday are most employers least likely to give employees off?

📌 President’s Day

📌 Martin Luther King

📌 Valentine’s Day

📌 Columbus Day

Why this is a good family feud question for work: If your company does give these days off, it’s a subtle opportunity to flex your own company culture.


6. Other than illness, name an acceptable excuse for missing work

📌 Funeral (61)

📌 Car trouble (30)

📌 Jury duty (8)

Why this is a good family feud question for work: This question is as corporate as it gets!


Family Feud Questions For Adults

Family Feud questions for adults are the types of questions that could be used to play at a dinner party, adult function, or simply during game night, but might be better off kept out of the workplace. The goal of these questions isn’t necessarily to be HR-friendly.

7. Name red flags on a dating site

📌 No photo (33)

📌 Creepy messages (25)

📌 Venmo / Cash App / Zelle (15)

📌 “No drama” (14)

Why this is a good family feud question for adults: This question will inevitably lead to dating stories, which are almost always spectacularly entertaining.


8. On which topic might a father give advice to his son?

📌 Women / relationships (48)

📌 Jobs (21)

📌 Personal finance (11)

📌 Children / family (6)

Why this is a good family feud question for adults: Father-son relationships are important and we can all laugh at the good moments shared.


9. Name a language that makes anything sound sexy

📌 French (40)

📌 Italian (21)

📌 Spanish (11)

📌 British / English (10)

Why this is a good family feud question for adults: Attempt the accents for bonus points!


10. Name the month of the year during which the most babies are born

📌 November (26)

📌 September (21)

📌 March (18)

📌 December (15)

Why this is a good family feud question for adults: The really fun part is the mental math of subtracting by nine months!


11. Name a place you might pick up a date who isn’t interested in a serious relationship

📌 Bar (31)

📌 Club (19)

📌 Tinder (18)

📌 College (13)

📌 Party (10)

Why this is a good family feud question for adults: So you’re saying you’re not super likely to meet your soulmate at the bar?


12. Name something that might cause a real life family feud between neighbors

📌 Noise (33)

📌 Money/Property (26)

📌 Dogs/Pets (15)

📌 Naughty kids (14)

📌 Unkempt yard (9)

Why this is a good family feud question for adults: Because we’ve all had those neighbors…


Funny Family Feud Questions

Funny Family Feud questions are questions that use humor to drive engagement. These questions work well in and out of a work context.

13. Name a bad job for someone who’s afraid of heights

📌 Window washer (39)

📌 Pilot / flight attendant (37)

📌 Construction worker (16)

📌 Firefighter (6)

Why this is a funny family feud question: Skydiving instructor or bungee jumping instructor seem like reasonable answers as well, but this one will be funny to see the wild answers you end up with.


14. Name a reason why your parents would ground you

📌 Lying (32)

📌 Getting into a fight (26)

📌 Used a curse word (20)

📌 Snuck out of the house (14)

Why this is a funny family feud question: This question makes for a great icebreaker question as well.


15. Name things you would post on social media

📌 A selfie (28)

📌 A vacation (24)

📌 An announcement (19)

📌 An outing with friends (16)

📌 A party (13)

Why this is a funny family feud question: As a society, we’ve gone completely digital, so of course, we’ve got to ask some social media-related questions.


16. Who do you really hope not to run into when you are out on a date?

📌 Ex (28)

📌 Coworker / boss (18)

📌 Parent (11)

📌 Friend (10)

Why this is a funny family feud question: This funny trivia question causes the players to envision their worst case date scenario.


17. Name something people wished their pets could do

📌 Talk (35)

📌 Help out with costs (25)

📌 Use the toilet (18)

📌 Make no noise (14)

Why this is a funny family feud question: It’s fun imagining our fur babies doing things a bit outside of the expected. They’re family, so it’s only natural they’re mentioned in a game of virtual Family Feud!


18. Name a place that would be profitable to rob if you could get away with it

📌 Bank (37)

📌 Jewelry store (28)

📌 Casino (16)

📌 Museum (6)

Why this is a funny family feud question: Definitely expect some  popular answers as well as a few hilariously unexpected ones!


Hard Family Feud Questions

Hard Family Feud questions are questions that force participants to think outside-the-box. The answers to these questions may not be what first comes to mind.

19. When you hear a noise coming from your basement, what do you pray that it isn’t?

📌 Another person (42)

📌 Ghost / monster (25)

📌 Animals / rats (21)

📌 Flood / water heater (10)

Why this is a hard family feud question: Because who hasn’t at some point run up basement stairs hoping something wasn’t going to grab them from behind?


20. Name an activity that’s easier to do when it’s windy

📌 Fly a kite (89)

📌 Sail (7)

📌 Surf (2)

📌 Air dry clothes (2)

Why this is a hard family feud question: While they’ll probably guess flying a kite, some of the other answers are a little trickier.


21. Name something you did every day in kindergarten that you wish you could do every day now

📌 Nap (64)

📌 Play / toys / recess (19)

📌 Color / paint (12)

📌 Get free snacks (4)

Why this is a hard family feud question: Oh, to be young again…


22. Name a type of building where it always seems to be cold

📌 Doctor’s office (44)

📌 Work (19)

📌 Classroom (14)

📌 DMV (4)

Why this is a hard family feud question: The first three might be easy enough, but guessing number four could prove to be tricky.


23. Name something that grows faster than you want it to

📌 Hair / unibrow (48)

📌 Lawn / weeds (14)

📌 Kids / babies (13)

📌 Belly / weight (13)

Why this is a hard family feud question: Because parents will relate most of all to the bittersweet feeling of watching their babies grow up — and so will pet owners.


24. Name something that might be full of holes

📌 Swiss cheese (40)

📌 Clothes / socks (16)

📌 Alibi / story (14)

📌 Net / fishing net (9)

📌 Colander / strainer (8)

Why this is a good family feud question: Swiss cheese is deceptively specific. At first glance it might seem pretty obvious, but you’d be surprised.


People Also Ask These Questions About Virtual Family Feud

Q: What is a virtual family feud game?

  • A: A virtual Family Feud game is a game of Family Feud that can be played online, over a video conferencing platform, like Zoom or Microsoft Teams.

Q: What are the benefits of playing online family feud with coworkers?

  • A: The benefits of playing online Family Feud with coworkers range from increased employee engagement and productivity to improved employee retention.

Q: What are some good family feud questions for the office?

  • A: Some good Family Feud game show questions for the office can vary from being funny to hard. The best strategy is to apply a mix of questions.

Q: How can I make virtual family feud more engaging for work?

  • A: You can make virtual Family Feud more engaging for work by making sure to use platforms that work well for all participants. It also helps to play virtual Family Feud with an outside host or program so you don’t have to worry about snags or other issues during the activity.

Q: How do you create your own family feud questions?

  • Start with choosing 5 to 6 categories for your Family Feud questions. Some category examples are food, entertainment, and history. Next, come up with 10 to 15 open-ended questions for each category. For example, “name a popular cartoon character,” or “name something you would find in a classroom.” Next, poll 20 people with your questions and note the top 5 to 6 answers to each question. These answers could potentially become answers to a Family Feud question. With at least 5 questions per category, you now have enough material for a custom Family Feud game night.

Q: Can you play Family Feud game online with coworkers?

  • Sure you can! First, choose a free online Family Feud game site or app that allows for remote multiplayer access (scroll up further in this article for ideas). Send your coworkers an invite to join your private game room. Appoint team captains to coordinate buzzing in and keeping score. Have players take turns ‘coming up’ to the virtual podium to provide an answer when their team’s turn comes up. Make sure to limit the time for answers to 5-10 seconds. The team captain can tally the points. Continue playing rounds of the game until a team reaches 300 points to win.

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